Saturday, April 26, 2008

inflatable Massage Chair

inflatable Massage Chair

Here's a first: a bargain-priced inflatable massage chair that can be taken anywhere — great for the hotel room. This massage chair includes three intensity levels, nine functions, timer control, repair kit, and remote. The electric pump (included) inflates this chair in just one minute.

Transfer Information Via Handshake - Smart Rings

These rings add a gripping new meaning to “shake on it”.
Each “smart” ring stores your details, transferred there via a digital business card the size of a credit card. To pass along your details to a new business associate, simply shake hands, instead of handing over a traditional business card. It also displays a contact list of all the people you’ve exchanged information with – personal info, contact numbers, and for those with short memories, the date you met. All information is customizable, and transferable to anyone wearing another “smart” ring.
To view the information, sync the ring back to the digital business card. No batteries required either; the rings are juiced up by body heat. The entire business world will have to get one of these for the trend to take off in a big way, but even from where I’m sitting, the possibilities are mind-blowing.

Data Transfer Via Hand Shake 2 - Firmo

Previously we’ve featured Smart Things that transfer your data. It’s
like in those spy movies where two agents shake hands, then part immediately after, totally baffling the enemy agents as to how they transferred the information. Well, we just gave away the secret. The Nippon Telephones and Telegraph company has developed a device that transmits data across the surface of the human body. The device can let users communicate with electronic devices just by touching them.
You wont have to undergo surgery of any kind to achieve this super power. The new product, called Firmo, is a card-sized transmitter carried in the user’s pocket. The card converts stored data into a weak AC electric field that extends across the body, and when the user touches a device or object embedded with a compatible receiver, the electric field is converted back into a data signal that can be read by the device.
For now, Firmo transfers data at 230kbps, but NTT is working on a low-cost 10Mbps version that can handle audio/video data transfers.