Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Setup WordPress locally

For Windows:

  1. Download XAMPP Lite (A Combo of MySQL, Apache Web Server and PHP5)
  2. Download WordPress 2
  3. Extract XAMPP Lite’s 7z Self-Extractor in a convenient location like, C:/xampp for example.
  4. Enter the C:/xampp or the location of extraction you provided and run the setup_xampp.bat in it to set XAMPP up.
  5. Start the xampp-control.exe executable program and click the Start buttons next to MySQL and Apache options. Now click the tray icon that appears and the Control Panel disappears to that place.
  6. Now test your local server, go to http://localhost/xampp/splash.php
  7. Choose your language there, and in the following panel, look at the left middle bottom to see a “phpMyAdmin”. Open it.
  8. In Create New Database put in a name, (I chose wordpress) and select the encoding as utf8_unicode_ci (optional).
  9. Extract the to any location of your choice. I chose C:/wordpress
  10. Open the folder you just extracted it in (C:/wordpress here).
  11. Rename the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php. Open the thus renamed file.
  12. In the top part, where you see stuff like define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database Put DB_NAME as wordpress (or the name of the database you created)
  13. Put DB_USER as root.
  14. Make the DB_PASSWORD like look like define('DB_PASSWORD', ''); // ...and password Notice the blank quotes instead of it being filled.
  15. Thats it. Now move your C:/wordpress (or whatever your folder name is), into the C:/xampp (or wherever its location is) and then into the htdocs folder inside. Hit http://localhost/wordpress to see your blog in action. Happy breaking.

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